Saturday, December 28, 2013

My New Years Resolutions- aka, Stop Being an Idiot and Act Like an Adult Sometimes List.

My New Years Resolutions- aka, Stop Being an Idiot and Act Like an Adult Sometimes List.

Let's face it, I'm not exactly a model adult. I eat ice cream for dinner at pretty much every opportunity, I will waste money on things I deem important (like gummy bears and eyeliner), and I will do everything in my power to avoid going outside if I just don't feel like taking a shower.

I am that guy, seriously.

Like I said before, I have issues with anxiety and I ride the edge of depression about 50% of the time so sometimes normal things that every normal functioning adult can do feels like I'm pulling my skin off.

Whatever, it happens.

And really the only thing holding me down IS the anxiety, because let's face it- anxiety is a thing that everyone has at least a little of and it basically is the adult in your body telling you not to do things.

Like when I'm on that 3rd day without a shower and I try to justify it like, "I'm not going anywhere and I'm not seeing anyone, so I'll just take it tonight before I go to bed."

Then my anxiety starts up. I'm pretty sure if it had a voice it'd be like this old grandmother who's been hardened by life and maybe smokes a pack a day. 

"People are going to think you're disgusting."

"Well no one's here but Roger."

"You don't think that ass-hat hasn't figured out how disgusting you are."


But sometimes the anxiety starts to wear down and the depression starts to float a little too freely and what happens is there's a place of numbness. Where even though that old grandma voice is talking, it sounds more like the parents in a Charlie Brown movie. 

Wahh wahh wahhhhhh.

So the other day I was sitting there and suddenly I didn't feel anxiety, and not even depression was floating around. I had gone past that.

What I felt was shame.

And it didn't really go away.

I just kept wandering around the house waiting for a part of me to tell me what to do, but instead the feeling of being shamed hung on my back like a monkey.

And if there's anything that's ever motivated me in my entire life, it's shame.

Because think about it- what did that 4th grade version of you think you were going to be like in your 20's? 

4th grade Samantha thought that we were going to be a flight attendant, and we were going to travel the world and come home to our awesome husband, and we were going to have our shit together.

Sweet Jesus, just thinking about my younger and generally more enlightened self bums me out.

So when I really got down to it, I knew that the changes I had to make were minor. I know that the career I chose is right for me, the house I'm in is perfect, and I love my boyfriend to death. It's just the idea that all I would be known for is hairdressing that bums me out. I'm a capable adult and I have a lot of time on my hands. I know it won't be hard. It's just that I know the first steps are going to be the most torturous thing I've ever done.

So without further a do, here's my list and you can use it too, if you want:

1. I'm not going to beat myself up over dumb things. Changes are hard and eventually you will fall, but it's not a big deal. It just isn't.

2. I'm going to start running. I know it sucks, but it clears my head and keeps me tired. Plus it's free, and you have an excuse to wear adorable work out clothes and listen to cool running mixes on your ipod.

3. I'm going to ride horses again. In exchange for a stupid exercise regime you're going to dread for awhile, do one you'll actually like.

4. I'm going back to the shooting range and I'm getting my hunters license. Yeah I know, you're probably like, "Sweet Jesus, she shoots guns?!" and then you touch your pearls and scornfully look at me. Yes, I shoot guns. I used to do it and I miss it and it was fun. I was licensed by the way, I'm not just like, shooting in the open air like some heathen. 

5. Even though it sucks being an adult, I'm just going to do my best. You're not going to leave a mountain of dishes in the sink and sleep on a pile of clean clothes. Despite Roger's very sweet nature, we know he's getting tired of your shit and you should probably do something about it.

6. Read all those books I've been wanting to read but never did because who knows why. You're going to read that book about Walt Disney that they train cast members on. You're going to read that book about the escort that charges $2,000 an hour. You're also going to read that book about authentic vintage hairstyles and you're going to try and do them- even if you suck at authentic finger waves.

7. State Board is coming, and I'm going to rock it. You've been studying for days and frankly, you can't afford to fail it. 

8. Sometime this year, I'm going to save up and buy that ipad I want. You've always been pretty shitty about saving money for things and you usually end up blowing it on the Naked palettes and sushi, but you can do this. You've already got $400, you're literally over halfway there for the fancy one you like. Your birthday is coming up, and you're selling some furniture. You are literally on 3rd base waiting to run home. How bad-ass are you going to feel buying yourself something awesome? Because you're a fucking professional and you need it for work.

9. I'm going to grow out my hair again. The short hair was a fun ride, but lets face it- you love sassy ponytails and princess buns. Stop trying to cut it- just let Stephanie fix it as it grows out. She'll get you there, just stop being dumb and let it grow. By the way, stop forgetting to buy biotin. 

10. Go back to doing things that you loved. You used to love waterskiing and volunteering at the animal shelter. You officially have all the time in the world and no more excuses to use. Just do it, you'll be happier in the long run.

Hope I stick to this in the next year, and if not someone should hold me accountable. Remember, nothing motivates quite like shame.


Friday, December 27, 2013

My "Small" Rant About H&M

My "Small" Rant About H&M

I'm normally not a nay-sayer and ruffling my feathers takes a lot, but nothing winds me up more than people who are too lazy to do their job- and not even that, but people who are lazy and don't want to do an easy job.

Especially people in retail. I don't get why they act like their jobs are so damn difficult. 

And trust me, I get it. Retail jobs are mentally difficult sometimes. I used to work in the food service AND retail and I've worked both Black Friday and Christmas. I know what the score is.

So what really fires me up is that I'm not a mean customer BECAUSE I KNOW RETAIL SUCKS SOMETIMES. 

Ok, let me back up a bit before I drift off in space.

I received my package from H&M from my black Friday purchase on December 10th. Considering the holidays were upon us, I can see why a package could take awhile.

So I made my video haul and everything was cool. The problem was when I tried everything on, EVERYTHING was a size too big. To me, it wasn't a big deal- I figured H&M probably redid their sizing and the XL's were just bigger than I thought.

Now like I mentioned before, I hate returning things and I've never returned anything by mail. So I read the instructions inside carefully but I was still like, "uhhh, I don't know." And to top it off, I really wanted my package back before my trip to Disneyland. I really wanted to wear my new clothes. White girl problems, I know.

So I called H&M's customer service and when I finally got a girl on the phone, she was so damn rude! Abrasive even. Her tone literally sounded like, "How dare you call me at my place of work."

"Hi, um. I got my package sent to me, but the sizes were too big- and I've never returned anything by the mail before so I just wanted to make sure-"

"What item was too big?"

"...All of them. They were all too big."

Then it was like this back and forth of her wanting to pull up my order info rather than let me just try to ask HOW TO PHYSICALLY RETURN STUFF.

So finally, I was like, "I just want to return my things and I want the smaller sizes!"

"Didn't you read the back of the order slip with the instructions?"

Her tone was so damn haughty. Like, "What kind of idiot are you that you can't read a packing slip?"

By this point, I was already mad. So I finally get her to explain how it works, and then I asked, "Well, I'd love to have it back before a trip I'm taking. Can I pay over the phone to have my return sent as like a 2 day shipping or something like that?"


There was a long pause, "Oh, I thought since it's technically a new package I could-"

"We don't do that."

"Um...ok, how long do you think it'll be on normal shipping?"
"10 business days." 

So I did the math and was like, well... ok, it'll still get here before my trip. So I thanked her (like an idiot) and then got off the phone.

I sent my clothes back and time just drifted away. I didn't get an email, I didn't get a phone call. I got nothing.

So finally, I get back from my trip (WITH NONE OF MY ADORABLE H&M SWEATERS) and I finally got mad.

I don't know why it took me so long. I don't know at all. I should have been mad after she was rude on the phone or mad when she basically called me stupid- but no, I was mad because my package took longer than 10 days. That girl promised a time and she was a liar.

So I call H&M (because I'm a glutton for punishment, apparently).

"Hi, I returned an order and I was just wondering-"

"Are you just waiting on your refund?"

I think H&M has some requirement where they make you interrupt your customer and try to fill in the blanks.

"No, I returned an order for a size exchange and I-"

"Whats your info, I'll look up the order."

So I complied with that.

"It just got here today to our warehouse."

I felt my brain short-circuit.

"It just got there."


"I sent it on the 11th."

"Yes it says that."

"And it's the 23rd".

"We're really backed up."

And then I got mad.

"Yeah it better be."

She said nothing.

"I understand you guys have a holiday crunch, and it's probably packed in there. But I sent my package a very long time ago and another girl from your call center told me the return would take 10 days. I'm going to ask again, and I want an honest answer. How. Long. Will. My. Return. Take."

It's not often I get mad. In fact it's pretty rare. 
My voice gets low and I get very concise and I scare people. 
It's like when you hear a teacher voice. Or your mom's "I'm not kidding around anymore" voice. You get Jesus scared into you. 

That's what I call White Lady Mad.

Suddenly this girl springs into action, explaining every single detail of my order- but then she makes the mistake of adding this little nugget-

"-Unless we don't have your size, then we won't ship it and we'll refund you instead."

"...So I might not get ANY of my things."


"Ok thanks bye."

I won't even lie, I just hung up. I was done with this nonsense. Honestly it wasn't the fact my stuff wouldn't get here, or that returning things is just a hassle for me- it's that people don't do their jobs. I do not like being lied to, and I do not like people being generally mean when I am trying to be nice because I know retail holiday season suuuuucks.

So not long after I hung up I receive an email stating that H&M received my things and they'll be emailing me shortly saying what ended up being shipped out.

Long story short, that email finally came a few days ago and they're exchanging 1 item.

It's like... I can't even. Why even bother sending me a tank top. Seriously.

I think I'm going to just stick with the brick and motar from now on. I think I learned my lesson about buying clothes online. 

And especially considering how AWESOME H&M staff are in stores, it makes the whole call center blunder especially bad. 

H&M, fire the call center. Just fire them. Clearly you should just hire some badgers- they'd probably be more charming.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

What's in my travel makeup bag?

Sorry if I act like a total spaz in this video. I was woken up stupid early by text messages and calls out the wazoo. I had so many people asking me for favors and I still haven't done laundry or packed for my trip- SO I AM SLIGHTLY CRANKY AND SLEEPY.

I'm gonna drink some coffee and maybe take a nap while the dryer is going. I CAN LIVE THROUGH THIS.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Review Time: 31 Bags

Review Time: 31 Bags

So my mother, saint that she is, noticed my makeup bags were looking pretty haggard. I had a mismatched set of random itty bitty bags I've collected, and one nice over-night style bag she had bought for me from 31 last year. However, THAT particular 31 bag has gone missing since I moved, soooo it was just all bad.

And whenever I went to do makeup functions where I needed to take ALL my supplied- well... let's just say it was a challenge.

Now my mother has a terrible habit during Christmas where she gets too excited about what she bought you that you end up getting most, if not all, of it early. True to form, I ended up seeing what I bought when our friend (who sells 31 bags) showed up with the delivery and I just happened to be standing there.

Now, what I love about 31 is that the products themselves are really sturdy and functional. I have yet to have a problem with tearing, or broken zippers. They've all held up over time. The makeup bags in particular are great because you can wipe down both the inside and outside without ruining the bag.

You can either buy from someone who hosts a "party" (a la Mary Kay or something on those lines) or from the catalog. 

You can view one online here:

Or here's the catalog attached to my friend Marietta who sells these bags. She earns a commission if you buy through her.

Ok, so here's what my mama got me.

Cosmetic Bag Set

Ok, I think this is pretty fab. It's actually really deep and there's a deep inner pocket and one on the outside too. As you can see, the inner pocket holds my ultra tall perfume bottle, and still has room for more stuffs. I'm really fond of this bag already. My last cosmetics bag was more like, giant pocket with a really tiny inner pocket... I liked it and all, but this one is just nice. Especially since it's base is wide enough to stand up by itself, but then when it's empty it folds down flat. I like.

Side note: I'm packing for Disneyland this week, and this bag holds a ton. I literally got all my makeup in there and there's still room. I might actually put more in there, BECAUSE WHY NOT.

I'm a stickler for organizing, so I actually divided my makeup into categories like "face", "lip" etc and put them in my smaller bags inside this cosmetics bag so I don't have to dig around. It fit perfectly, and I put my brushes in the outside pocket so the bristles wouldn't get bent. I LOVE THIS SYSTEM. Anyone that has ever done their hair and makeup at 6am before going to Disneyland knows- ain't nobody got time to dig around for eyeliner.

Deluxe Beauty Bag

It took me forever to figure out why I couldn't find this bag... it's a hostess gift only. Aaahhhh, I know. Basically my mom hosted a party and got one of these for me (cause she's cool like that). It sucks that you can't buy this without hosting because is it super amazing.

The top pockets are small enough for bobbies and rubber bands, and the second from the top is a big pouch (I like putting my toothbrush and stuff in there because it's the plastic you can wipe down if it gets wet.

Then the whole bottom pocket is HUGE. I have a blowdryer in there, my extra diffuser nozzle, a bunch of hair products, my brush... it's enormous. I'm tempted to pack this whole thing as my airbrush carrier, and put my other makeup in the other pockets. THIS IS GOING TO MAKE MY LIFE SO MUCH EASIER. 

Plus it folds down.

And there's more side pockets for stuff like business cards, or brushes.

And it has a top handle.

And it comes with a bag of bottles for toiletries!

And it has another handle to attach it to a bag or on a hanger in the closet, OR WHATEVER. 

I super love these cosmetics bags. I really do. I think the quality is nice, they're great for travel or work, and they're organized so I'm not digging around in Narnia trying to find a rubber band.

I also have these items that I've gotten over the last couple years:

All of which I use a ton and love to death. I think my only gripe is that some of the more fun fabrics get "retired" and then you can't have a matching set. I try to buy all of mine in the black dot pattern cause it's already been around for awhile and then if I have to switch it up later, I'll just keep everything black and white.

All in all, this is a nice company and I really enjoy everything I've bought or received. Sometimes the prices on things (especially purses- the one I have is $75) is kind of like, "Are you kidding me?" 

But to be honest- they're pretty great. And sometimes hosting a party gets you a lot of freebies and incentives- so it ends up working out for you.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My Top 10 Under $10

My Top 10 Under $10

I've been noticing- there's a lot of really amazing cheap stuff lately. Almost every company has been upping their game and there has been some stand-outs.

Without further a do, here's my top 10.

The Cosmetic Clutch- $8

I super love this. I have a few that I keep for organizing my things for my makeup kits. They're easy to clean, easy to store, and they are sooooo incredibly durable. The zippers are made well, and is has a second smaller pocket for small stuff like tweasers or kleenex. These have been so handy. (And they're awesome for travel too).

You can buy them here:

Jordana 12 HR eye liners- $3

Oh man. These are so great. They remind me a lot of the Urban Decay 24/7 pencils and they are incredibly inexpensive. 

Admittedly, they don't have the color range of Urban Decay, but they definitely hold up the same, set the same, and generally even look the same. I've been really liking these, and the black in particular is super inky. I love it.

L'Oreal Lineur Intense- $9
These liquid eyeliners have been amazing to me. They're incredibly inky, they're buildable, they last all day, and they just last forever. I wish they would branch out and do some wild colors too, but for now they only offer the basics. 

Jack Black Lip Balms- $7.50

Despite how pricey these are, I can't live without them. They are by far the best lip balms I've ever used in the history of ever. They come in grown up flavors like Lemon Cammomile and Blackberry Tea, they have SPF 25, and they're nice and thick and last a long time. I have one in my purse, the car, my nightstand... I can't live without them.

NYX cream blushes- $6 and Revlon Cream blushes- $9.75-$13

I included both of these because honestly I couldn't choose. Revlon admittedly sells theirs for $13 in the drugstores, but they're online for less than $10. I really like these. The Revlon version is more of a gel consistency that incredibly light and very natural looking, whereas the NYX blush is more tacky but once you blend it in, you don't have to build it up and it stays luminous. Honestly, I like both about equally.

Jordana Best Lash Extreme Volumizing Mascara- $4

We all know by now this is my favorite. Just do yourself a favor and buy it.

Lavanila The Healthy Deodorant- $8 (travel size)

I know this is kind of weird, but I love this stuff. The scents are amazing, the consistency is great, it helps me not to sweat, and it doesn't get white stuff all over my clothes. I SO very much like this.

Ardell Duralash Naturals- Short Black Flares (around $3-5)

I like these. They're so great for filling in sparse areas, or for brides who want something really natural and easy. They're incredibly easy to apply and they some in a range of colors. Don't be fooled though, the shorts are actually really long.

$6-$10 for single brushes (about $15 for sets)

These are probably the best synthetic brushes I've ever used. I love that the bristles actually have a cuticle made on them so you can pick up products so much easier. I have almost all of them and I use them religiously. The eye brushes in particular are amazing.

 Revlon Balm Stains- $9

These are great. The originals are great, the mattes are great- everything is super great. The stains last forever and the matte in particular lasts even through eating. I can't begin to say how much I love these. They're pretty much the only lip color I use, and I have several in various colors. I'll probably eventually own them all like a crazy hoarder cat lady. I can't help it. I'm addicted.

So go check out your drugstore and build up your collection of awesome-ness,


My Favorite Perfumes (aka what I default to when someone asks what I want for Christmas)

My Favorite Perfumes

Ok, let me break this down for you.

1. I love shower products that smell like food, but I would never in a million years buy like "Frosted Cupcake" perfume. No way. That's what candles are for. that being said, I'm a sucker for anything with vanilla in it somewhere.

2. I like to smell sophisticated, one way or another. Like I said, I don't want to be doing someone's hair and have them be like, "Do you smell alcohol and cherries?"

3. I'm a firm believer that good perfumes are expensive. I don't know what to tell you about that. I have yet to find a drugstore perfume that I stopped and said, "Damn. This is foxy."

4. I have no prejudice against a line of scents. I never get girls who ONLY wear spicy perfumes, or citrus scents. Mix it up! Live your life!

5. That said, I have a fondness for scents that have a little something something going on in the undertones.


From left to right: Coach Poppy, Burberry London, Miss Dior, Lollia Relax, and Dior Addict.

Ok, I'll go in order from least favorite/least worn, to favorite/most worn.

Burberry London

According to the internet the notes are: Clementine, Honeysuckle, English Garden Rose, Tiare Flower, Jasmine, Peony, Veil of Musks, Indian Sandalwood, Patchouli.

It's spicy, don't let anyone tell you otherwise- but this is sophisticated as hell. I wear this a lot for job interviews or when I have to give speeches because it makes me feel confident and powerful. I've lovingly referred to it as my "business bitch perfume". Women seem to like it, men seem to be put in their place by it.

Lollia Relax

Notes: Lavender, Bee Blossom Honey, White Orchids, Indian Amber, and Tahitian Vanilla.

This is such a pretty perfume. I wore it through the first couple years Roger and I were dating. I still put it on for date nights and Roger can always tell. He gets really nostalgic and I know he likes Lavender and Honey. Honestly, I bought the perfume originally because it smells like a honey almond cake I make a lot. I don't know, I just love this one. It's soft, feminine, and sweet without being sickly sweet.

Coach Poppy

Notes: Lychee, Mara Strawberry, Freesia, Mandarin, Muguet, Rose Centifolia, Tuberose Fleur, Jasmine Sambac, Gardenia, Praline, Vanilla, Blonde Woods, Musk. 

Straight up, this is an everyday perfume for the modern woman. It's fruity, floral, slightly musky- so it pretty much covers every perfume genre. Everyone smells good in it. I get complements a lot when I wear it. (At one point Kaylene couldn't stop smelling me once she figured out the smell she liked was my perfume). It's just overall super easy and nice. Coach makes a few other versions but this is by far the nicest one.

Miss Dior

Notes: Italian Mandarin Essence, Egyptian Jasmine Absolute, Indonesian Patchouli Essence. 

Yeah I don't know what essence means in the perfume world but this perfume is so classy. It's fresh, sweet, but very elegant. I got a handful of samples of the perfume when I bought my Dior Addict but this is definitely one I'm going to get a full size of. It lasts all day, and kind of has the same feeling as Coach Poppy but without the fruitiness. This is a very nice every day perfume for me.

Dior Addict

Notes: Silk Tree Flower, Mandarin Leaf, Orange Blossom, Queen of the Night Flower, Bulgarian Rose, Bourbon Vanilla Absolute, Mysore Sandalwood, Tonka Bean

This is by far the most confusing, alluring, and most worn scent I have. It's such a strange mix of things but it makes you keep coming back to it. The Bourbon Vanilla note is pretty apparent and is probably the base of the whole thing- but oh my God. This is so damn sophisticated. It's a scent that's sexy, powerful, and genuinely does not smell like anything else out there. I don't know anyone else who wears it but me and I like that. Everyone around me keeps mentioning it, but no one can quite figure out where the smell is coming from or what it is. And I'm like, "It's my perfume. Jealous?" And they are.

I imagine this perfume on a lady at a party who's like super interesting and has all kinds of weird hobbies and she's eclectic in her style and people love her. 

Who doesn't want to be that girl?


I Had a Mary Kay Experience

I Had a Mary Kay Experience

A few days ago I get this message from a friend Elisa and she asked if I wouldn't mind being a model for this Mary Kay thing she's doing.
 I was like, "I get to play around with free makeup? Uh yeah, I'm in." 
She says, "Cool, bring a friend!" 
To which I immediately thought of Crystal.

So the event basically seemed more like a training for the consultants than anything. I think it was more of a deal to help them get confident and comfortable talking to us about products and generally getting into the grove of things. There were a handful of ladies who had been selling for 10+ years and some that were fresh off the boat so it was pretty interesting to watch.

I was too scared to take pictures because it didn't feel appropriate, so here's basically what ha-happened.

Each guest had a little tray with a mirror attached in front of them and in the tray there were wells to apply product in. Elisa (our consultant) would ask us our skin types and stuff like that to properly identify what skin care products we needed.

It was all very start to finish- with the makeup remover and a mini facial, which lead into a makeup look that supposedly was to look good on everyone.

So the look was called "Evening Sparkle" and was allegedly a night time party look.

You know me, I'm nothing if not good for a review. So I made notes in the catalog they gave me and here's basically the stuff that either really sucked or was amazing:

What completely sucked aka I would never buy this in a million years:

The Mineral Eye Colors- ($7, each) Holy crap. I have never in a million years looked so much like a disco ball.

We took pictures in the car for reference, but even these don't give it justice. 

The color payoff is pretty bad, like horrible bad. As you can see in the pictures there's pretty much no definition from color to color, and really the only thing that paid off was the glitter. If you like glitter, I mean, go for it- but it took forever to get it off and it kind of just ended up getting all over my face. I did not like this at all.

I think what bummed me out about this one is that I've tried OTHER Mary Kay shadows that were awesome and the colors were really great- WITH NO GLITTER. So what I think happened was they used all of the "shimmering" shadows and not the cream or mattes. Ehhhh, someone needs to talk to the Mary Kay company and tell them that doing a whole model look around glitter is how a room full of ladies end up looking like hookers.

What we ended up loving aka I bought it the minute we left:

The Oil Mattifier- ($15) This was such a nice primer. I normally really hate the silky, silicone, clear gel looking stuff but this was actually quite nice. The consistency was great and when I went to wipe off my makeup that night it actually still clung on for a second. I had to wipe it off twice. I could see this being a really great option for brides or girls going to prom, or just if you have a long day and need your makeup to last.

The Time Wise Matte-wear Liquid Foundation-  ($20)You would not believe how much this surprised me. I'm normally on the boat of a dewy look, or something generally without the "matte" title. I'm like, look, I have dry skin, I'm not going to make it worse. HOWEVER, this looked really amazing on every single lady there- and there were 20 of us with all different skin types and colors. 

For reference, Crystal and I are both wearing Ivory 6, but she has oily skin and I have dry skin. Same color, same method of application, and they both look amazing. The coverage was, I would say, maybe medium to full and I doubled up and used it as concealer for my problem areas. It just looks so damn natural, and it's very easy to work with and apply. My favorite part about it? I don't need a powder to set it- it's done. So basically with a liquid foundation, I eliminated the concealer and powder step. 

Both Crystal and I kinda went in there like, "If they try to sell us something just be polite, say no, and get out of there" and on the way out we said, "I kind of hate how much I love this foundation".
Although honestly, with only a $20 price tag, I'm thinking it's actually going to be a good purchase for me. It's basically $5 more than the foundation I'm using from the drugstore and about a million times better. 
Side notes: The blush, the mascara, lipstick, and skin care stuff was actually pretty nice too... buuuuut I've also used better. Plus, I'm that guy that when it comes to skin care my motto is, "Don't go fixin' what ain't broke". 

So of course once we were all made up and looking like flawless skinned disco balls, they gave us a soft pitch about how to sell Mary Kay. To be honest, I am such a Debbie Downer when it comes to stuff like this. I think they're all a bit pyramid-schemed and I just hate the idea of a bunch of nice ladies selling stuff to make kind of a lousy commission and letting the CEO's of the company grow into fat cats.  

However, I guess with Mary Kay, they at least offer to buy back whatever you bought at 90% so it's not a total loss, and somehow if you're a good seller, they offer you a company car that they pay for. In the grand scheme of things, Mary Kay isn't a bad way to go- but I guess when you're a cosmetologist it's kind of pointless. I can buy my products with my discount and then get paid to put it on people. Plus I don't owe anyone anything when the day is done. 

So I guess long story short- I will absolutely try out Mary Kay products because I do think a large part of them are very nice, and I like Elisa- but I'm definitely not going to be selling it anytime soon. 

To be fair though, my skin has never looked better.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Haul-o-rama: H&M

Haul-o-rama: H&M

Um. I bought a bunch of stuff on H&M, and I made the mistake of making a video haul. I did not wash my hair or even remotely try to look nice because I'm a model for a Mary Kay thing later.

So, enjoy me acting like a spaz.

I can't even begin to say how horrible I am at videos, but they are so easy and require no time at all. 


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Review Time: Favorite Palette Series

Review Time: Favorite Palette Series

So, lets be frank here. I'm not rich. Sorry, I just burst your bubble. I don't get products sent to me for recommendation, I don't have a job where I get makeup at a discount- I just wisely spend my money.

And when it comes to palettes, they're usually a pretty penny. I usually just have to stick it out til my birthday, Christmas, or my tax return to be able to really do some makeup damage. To add on top of this, my bathroom and kit storage is pretty small so I usually have to use up quite a bit of stuff to be able to fit more in. So like I said, palettes for me are pretty rare. I currently have a z-palette that holds my singles into the shape of a palette, and then I have a few odds and ends in terms of strictly shadows.

And really, the best palettes I've found come in a series set. They have a handful with the name name, but with the same quality of shadows in different shades. It makes the guesswork easy- as long as you bought one palette from them, the others ARE GOING TO BE THE SAME. At this point, it's just a matter of what color series you like best.

So it's no surprise that one of my favorites costs just under $5 and comes from the drugstore.

Wet and Wild Shadow Palettes

The pigmentation is amazing and you barely have to swipe your brush to get a good payoff. My only gripe is they do have some crazy fallout but honestly, it's not a deal breaker for me. Considering how cheap these are and how GOOD they are, I'm willing to sacrifice a little. They only have one matte palette, but they have a nice mix of neutrals and wild colors in it. Also, Wet and Wild is kind of known for having several dupes of MAC shadows and lipsticks, so I would do some research.

TheBalm's Shady Lady Palettes

Roughly these ring up for $40 a palette and if you sign up for their newsletter, you get 10% off your next purchase!
TheBalm has a few different Shady Lady Palettes

Again, the pigmentation is nice, and the product is buttery- which I love. I've seen a handful of bridal makeup artist use strictly TheBalm and the looks come out amazing and last all day. I'm a really big fan of the products and I haven't found one yet that I didn't like. TheBalm also has a matte palette series called "Meet Matte" and "Meet Matte Nude", and those are AWESOME as well. Again, haven't found a product from TheBalm I didn't like.

Urban Decay's Naked Palettes

Let's face it, these are a cult favorite for a reason. Urban Decay is known for quality products with a buttery soft feel and a strong pigment. There are millions of reviews on all of the palettes, so I'll try and sum it up a little on this one.

I love the shadows, and I love the palettes. They have a price tag of $52 which is high- but considering I've had my Naked 1 for over a year and I STILL only just hit pan on ONE shadow this last month- not bad.

I have only 3 gripes- all of which were taken care of in the following editions. 
1. I hate the packaging on the first Naked palette. Dust covers the velvet outer jacket (which grinds my gears to no end) and the mirror on mine broke after traveling with it- which is weird because the shadows didn't break and everything else was fine, sooooo no idea there. (However, they changed the packaging on the second edition.)
2. They re-used shadows in the Naked 2, that the original Naked Palette already had. Urban Decay is pretty notorious for putting Half-Baked in every single palette they've ever made, but there was a lot of overlap on the first and second palette. (However, the Naked 3 is all new shadows, so there you go.)
3. The fallout from the glitter shadows is beyond insane. I LOVE the color Sidecar from the original Naked palette. It reminds me of Satin Taupe and I love that. HOWEVER, WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THAT GLITTER? I place it on, taking extra care to apply primer and gently pat it on with a dense brush, and everything looks great and then a minute later after I've you know, blinked and lived my life, the glitter is EVERYWHERE. I do not like looking like a stripper. I do not, sir- so I don't enjoy glitter covering my cheeks.

What I do love though, is that they took extra care to make each set of palettes workable. Every shade in there looks good together and I can make a multitude of looks.

THE Naked palette is all bronze-based shadows. Generally they all have a bit of a warm/golden cast- even the mattes.
Naked 2 followed the "greige" trend- keeping mushroom toned taupes going through it. 

And Naked 3 (which, full disclosure, I have not bought yet) is all rose gold tones. 

It's pretty easy to see in the side by side swatches.

All in all, you could probably just buy one of these and live happy forever, but I am a hoarder and I have a feeling you are too.


My Experience With: Lash Extensions

My Experience With: Lash Extensions 

We remember Stephanie right? Cliff notes version: She was my core teacher, my phase 2 leader, and now that I've graduated from school we're officially friends- which basically mean we get to do all the stuff we've talked about doing through the last year like hanging out and trying new places.

And as a side note, when it comes to cultivating the look that says "Samantha", I only trust 3 people besides myself- Carol (who's offering me a job at her salon, does arguably the best blonde I've ever seen,  and has basically done my hair for about 20 years), The Lord Jesus himself (who obviously gave me some pretty good raw material here), and Stephanie (who I think at one point literally said, "Make an appointment with me. Your hair is doing some things."

Stephanie is someone I especially trust strictly on the fact that we speak the same weird buzz word lingo. I maintain as a cosmetologist, when people sit in your chair there are a few buzz words that mean specific things- like "wild", "edgy", or "natural".

So when I tell people I want something "believable" and maybe not necessarily "natural" you can imagine how that can go down sometimes- but Stephanie pretty much gets it every time. It's one step past natural. It's at that point where people look at you and go, "wait... those aren't your actual lashes?"

One of the things Stephanie wanted me to try was lash extensions.

Now, let me tell you about how HORRIBLE my eyes are. At any sign of danger, they water. Whenever the wind is blowing a little too hard, they water. Sometimes when my mascara wand comes too close, they water.

It's a hard life. I know.

So falsies, strip lashes in particular, have always given me a problem. My eyes twitch when I get close and the glue becomes a mess, and strip lashes eventually peel up and poke me in the eyeball- which is why I'm so particular about mascaras, because frankly that is the only time I get nice lashes.

So after a few weeks of talking myself into them, I agreed.

So here's what had happened:

First you lie down under some heavy lights, and then your lash artist or whatever, will cover your bottom lashes with a tape or a sticky pad. IT FEELS SO STRANGE, and immediately my eyes started twitching and watering. (I told you, there's nothing I can do about it.)
Then it's all kind of a blur of poking and prodding for awhile and then suddenly you have lashes.

I'm not kidding, I think it was maybe 20 minutes of actual application, and the whole process was like 45 or so. Half of that time to be honest was Stephanie telling my eyes to knock it off, while she rearranged my eye pads like 100 times. I cry a lot, ok?

My eyelashes did stick together a little bit, but I imagine that's pretty normal and Stephanie took care of that in like a second.

But here's me with no mascara on:

And me with my favorite mascara on for reference. So see, you can tell my lashes are crazy blonde. And even with mascara, they really only reach my crease. 


Like, what! I can't even deal with how good they look. Stephanie says that the placement she chose was to make my eyes look bigger- and I agree completely that that is what happened.

But when I did something retarded and brushed them- and one of the clusters popped off because my eyes water and I am an aggressive brusher... or that's what I'm assuming happened.

However, it popped off exactly in the spot that was rubbing up against my glasses and actually gave me a really doe-eyed look. I ACTUALLY KIND OF LIKED IT. So clearly, I had a lucky accident.

Stephanie is going to make the other side look the same on Sunday, so relax OCD followers. I'm not going to walk around with 2 different sets of lashes forever.

So here's the pro's of the eyelashes:

-They look insanely good. You can opt for something shorter, or thicker, or whatever you like because the lash sets come in all sizes. They have single lashes which are more time consuming but they look very natural, or clusters which add some nutter butter volume. Stephanie did a mix of both which I think looks really great. They kind of look like my lashes with mascara on- but on steroids. 

-They can last up to 6 weeks if you take care of them. I just think that's so great. I got them yesterday which means I can rock them up to the new year and look amazing for every single party I go to. That's called value for your buck.

-You don't have to wear mascara. Seriously, none of those false lash pictures involve mascara. They look super good on their own. I've effectively cut anywhere between 3-10 minutes off my makeup time because frankly, I would skip the whole eye and do a bold lip and be out the door.

-They're comfortable to wear. They generally just feel like your lashes. The only difference is you can SEE them. There will be a heavy ring of black haze in your vision- but I don't mind. It makes me feel sexy and powerful. 

-The cost. Yes I agree, $75 can be a lot to pop out at once- but a lot of people do special deals (like Stephanie who is doing $45 through the month of December). And frankly, I think $75 is a good price point. I'd rather pay more to have it done right and by someone I trust around an area that's so delicate. And here's the thing, it cuts down on your makeup time and you don't have to blow money on mascaras. 

-If you want to change the look, you can. Because these aren't your natural God-given lashes, you can move them around. Did you like a picture of Kim Kardashian's crazy long lashes? Did you prefer Taylor Swift's doe-eyed, heavy lidded look? Do it! Just show your stylist a picture and they can recreate it for you. And the best part is it's just like your hair- once you get tired of it, you can try something else.

The cons:

-You have to be super careful around them. Your lashes and glue require you to not scrub all crazy at your eyes, or rub them too hard, and you can't get oil around them. Basically you just have to be more mindful that the lashes are there and exist on your face.

-After you get them done, there will be some pokeys from where the lashes were probably trimmed. But once I washed my face, it must have washed them off because I didn't notice anything after.

-It's anywhere between 20 minutes to an hour of someone poking around your eye. Most people can do this fine but if you're an eye-waterer like me, it's going to be difficult.

-You have to get them filled as they eventually come out. This isn't really a necessary thing I guess. Like if you genuinely don't like them, then by all means let them come out. But I really like mine, so every few weeks or so, I'll get them filled again. Really it's just like going to the salon and coloring your roots every few weeks. It's just a maintenance thing. For me it's not a big deal. I go to Stephanie to get my hair done anyway, so it's right there and all in the same place. She could probably do it while my color processes anyway so it wouldn't really take longer either.

Some tips and things to think about:

- Be mindful of the length and size you want- especially if you wear glasses. It's not anything annoying really, I just don't like the feeling of my lashes bending around because they hit my glasses. HOWEVER, it's a super easy fix by either tipping them slightly outward and away from the lens or just doing a different placement so there's more singles as opposed to clusters. It's not a deal breaker. It's not even a big deal.

-Pictures help of course. Your lash artist isn't a mind reader. I got lucky and mine is a good friend of mine, and I just trust her to do what she thinks looks good.

-On that note, give them some wiggle room. Sometimes it's best to just ask the pro what they think would look nice. They're trained to know the face and eye shapes, and they're generally going to know what would make you look stunning.

-Don't rub your eyes all crazy, and don't touch them with oils. If you want them to last for 6 weeks, take care of them.

-Just like any cosmetic change you do, there is a moment where you have to decide on the upkeep. Everywhere I've looked at has a different price for the actual full set of lashes vs just filling in. And sometimes salons offer better prices if you schedule and pay for multiple fills at once- like a bulk deal. It basically promises them consistency and money, and they're promising you that your appointment will always be honored and you're a priority. I actually prefer stuff like this because then I don't have to pay at every single appointment, I can just run in and out when I've got other things to do. 

I'll be sure to make another post in a few weeks when they start to come off and when I go get fills. 

So far though, I'm pretty hooked on how sick my lashes look.


P.S- If you live in my area, you can make appointments with Stephanie at her salon by going through her style seat page. Tell her I sent you, maybe she'll cut me another lash deal.