The Most Disgusting Thing Our Government Can Do (and how you can help)
Look, it’s not often I get on a political soap box and rant. Let’s be totally honest here, I’m not even democrat or republic. I’m text-book “towing the line” but when it comes to my job, and my clients’ safety- that’s where I start drawing lines and picking sides.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, disgusts me more than someone who offers cosmetology based services without a license.
And look, I understand sometimes having your friend curl or braid your hair is totally fun and is pretty much the basis of all slumber parties-
-But I’m talking about coloring, perming, cutting, or frankly anything that involves something with the skin, hair and nails of a person.
There’s a reason you have to go to a cosmetology school and spend 1600 hours to even ATTEMPT to get your license, and there’s a reason for going to State Board to prove that you’re worthy of having a license.
Cosmetology schools and State Board not only test your knowledge of HOW to cut hair and HOW to apply color- but you also have somewhere around 400 hours of JUST sanitation and client safety. Any time someone in a cosmo school touches your head, there are a handful of teachers breathing down their necks JUST TO REMIND THEM to have proper sanitation and how to prevent a disease outbreak.
And State Board you ask? That’s 99% all about client safety. You have to prove that you aren’t irresponsible. You have to prove that you know what you’re doing and that you aren’t going to harm another human being.
So, you’re probably asking why I’m all fired up right now. And I’ll tell you-
It’s because the government is talking about de-regulating licensing procedures.
Meaning, you don’t need a license to do hair.
Do you know how disgusting that is to me? That means anyone off the street, who decides like, “Hey, hairdressing, that sounds fun/easy- I’ll do that” is going to be in charge of potentially dangerous chemicals and applying them the incorrect way ON A PERSON.
And I think what’s more alarming is that clients will attempt to go to someone like that because it’s cheaper, easier, etc and they’re going to be risking their safety and health because someone decided to make a quick buck.
That is disgusting.
You know what happens when someone doesn’t clean out their foot soak spas, combs, or double dips in a wax pot?
Google: flesh eating disease nail salon
Go ahead, I’ll wait.
If that doesn’t scare you into looking into salon cleanliness, I don’t know what will.
But tell you what, here’s a link to my favorite person in the whole world, Tabatha Coffey (star of Tabatha’s Salon Takeover on Bravo), talking about the subject in depth:
Like she says in the video, you can visit to see what’s happening, sign petitions, etc. (Plus, if you fill out the “I am a professional, I am licensed” movement form, they’ll send you info on how to educate your clients and a sticker for your car. Cool right?)
So look, the sheer amount of hours I put into school learning client safety and protection as well as sanitation to earn my license is absolutely invaluable. Learning to do hair is one thing, but learning proper sanitation is the first defense against spreading disease and infections. Working on a client without that training and that license is completely irresponsible.
If the government decides to remove the need for licensing, the number of infections will go substantially up. Licensed hairdressers know how to identify things like scabies and lice- but unlicensed hairdressers don’t. Take away licenses and you’re going to see horrific outbreaks.
Clients should know that their hairstylist has been through proper training and that they’d dedicated numerous hours to studying how to keep their client safe. It’s important to know that when they pay money, they’re not only paying for a quality service- but a safe one as well.
I love keeping my clients safe and happy. I understand if I’m too expensive for you, or I live too far from you, but PLEASE DO NOT see an unlicensed hair dresser.
If you’re not sure if your hairdresser is licensed, you can go to and on the list of things you can do as a consumer, you can click “verify a license”. You can look the person up by name, the city they live in, whatever. In addition you validating a license, you can also view infractions they have yet to take care of. If they got fined for a client safety issue, you’ll see it.
I want you to be safe, whether you’re a professional or a client and I would hate to see something like this happen and ruin hairdressing for everyone.
Please sign the petition and spread the word. It’s time to educate ourselves on safety and really push to keep our industry license regulated.
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