Talkin' 'Bout FUNraising!
It has come upon us my friends...
It's FUNraising!
Some of you might be new to my blog and you're probably asking yourself why I spelled "fundraising" wrong. (Which, side note, no I didn't.)
For a few months out of every year, all of the Paul Mitchell schools team up to raise money- benefiting a multitude of charities like the Morris Animal Foundation, Cancer Schmancer, and Gary Sinise Foundation.
For a list of all the charities Paul Mitchell is supporting for 2014, as well as a list of previous supported charities, check out the website:
And in addition to that, the Fresno school is opting to send a portion of the proceeds to our local Valley Children's Hospital (which, as a patient there before, is really cool).
And one of the cool things about Paul Mitchell being a huge, huge, huge company is that we get a lot of celebrity support, including Snoop Lion (formerly Snoop Dog), Betty White, Fran Drescher, and Dolly Parton. And of course we are heavily supported by our own Paul Mitchell family like John Paul Dejoria, Winn Claybaugh, Debra Dietrich, etc.
(I made this pic bigger so you could see the amount on this check- $2,668,104. 54. That was in one year! Not even- it was a matter of a couple MONTHS. Isn't that insane?)
And in the last 10 years, this project has raised over $11.2 million- ALL of which went to the listed charities. How amazing is that? The power of our combined schools is amazing.
And the activities the schools plan are amazing and hilarious.
Like Princess Day, where little girls (and boys on Pirate Day!) can come and get their hair styled and enjoy a fun day of activities with crafts and singing...
And of course, they get their picture taken with a few princesses.
(This is one of the Paul Mitchell Fresno Staff's daughter- isn't she precious?)
Then Debra Dietrich comes around to do Trending Tour- which is a 2 day makeup crash course through the basics and includes brushes and tools for you to keep. She's amazing, you can find her professional history online and on (she worked on the movie "Milk", which blew my mind).
Here's one of the owners of Paul Mitchell, D'Ann finishing up Debra's model while Debra checks on her students.
Then there was "Throw a Pie at Your Teacher".
This was a great success, can't you tell?
Then if we all remember, there was "One"- which I would talk about but I don't want to ruin the surprise!
I promise you're going to love it though!
Our Fresno school did so many different things to raise money, like raffling off tools, having theme dress-up days, etc and really dedicated ourselves to something we, and the Paul Mitchell company, believe in.
You can also come into the school for a list of happenings in the month (or to drop off a donation!):
5091 North Fresno St., Fresno, Ca, 93710
Or call 559-224-2700 for more info.
And if you'd like to see more about FUNraising, you can visit this website for info about the charities, what FUNraising is all about, and see pictures of the schools putting on events:
And if you want to see more about upcoming events, you can also keep checking my blog- you know I'll be covering all the action!
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