Friday, April 25, 2014

My New Years Resolutions: 4/25/2014 Update

4/25/14 Update On My New Years Resolutions

So I went back through my posts today and I saw my resolutions again, and as a glutton for punishment- I re-read them. 

And you know what?

I'm actually doing pretty good.

My realistic goals are actually being done. I was smart enough to know my limits and it feels good actually getting that validation that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.


"1. I'm not going to beat myself up over dumb things. Changes are hard and eventually you will fall, but it's not a big deal. It just isn't."

I'm actually doing really well on this one. I have been really kind to myself these last few months and it's showing. I will say a lot of my self anxiety stemmed from what I assumed others were thinking, and I DID give that up- because you know what? I shouldn't really care- unless it comes to my client and I'm getting paid to know what they want. Generally speaking though, I started doing what I felt was right for me and it's paying off. 

"2. I'm going to start running. I know it sucks, but it clears my head and keeps me tired. Plus it's free, and you have an excuse to wear adorable work out clothes and listen to cool running mixes on your ipod."

This one I gave up on. Running actually doesn't work well for me. I ended up blowing out my bad knee a few times and it threw off my schedule a lot. HOWEVER, I did change up my diet a lot, lost a couple pounds and I'm now getting more into "burn" yoga- where everything is tiny, isolated movements your body hasn't made in years and you sweat a ton. That ends up working out a lot better for me. I commit better to yoga. (Plus my yoga mat is adorable and I can do it inside where no one can see my fat jiggling.)

"3. I'm going to ride horses again. In exchange for a stupid exercise regime you're going to dread for awhile, do one you'll actually like."

AND I HAVE BEEN. The horse I normally ride has some feet problems again so I'm riding a shorter horse that bounces too much, but he's adorable and I love him.

"4. I'm going back to the shooting range and I'm getting my hunters license. Yeah I know, you're probably like, "Sweet Jesus, she shoots guns?!" and then you touch your pearls and scornfully look at me. Yes, I shoot guns. I used to do it and I miss it and it was fun. I was licensed by the way, I'm not just like, shooting in the open air like some heathen."

AND I DID. It was a long day, but my teacher was amazing and I got a 99% on my test. I only missed one question- resulting in high fives from everyone in the class. So bam.

"5. Even though it sucks being an adult, I'm just going to do my best. You're not going to leave a mountain of dishes in the sink and sleep on a pile of clean clothes. Despite Roger's very sweet nature, we know he's getting tired of your shit and you should probably do something about it."

I have been trying really hard at this. It's been difficult since I've been at work more consistently, and cleaning at home has gone to the side a little, BUT the dishes are done and the floor is always swept and frankly that's all I care about.

"6. Read all those books I've been wanting to read but never did because who knows why. You're going to read that book about Walt Disney that they train cast members on. You're going to read that book about the escort that charges $2,000 an hour. You're also going to read that book about authentic vintage hairstyles and you're going to try and do them- even if you suck at authentic finger waves."

I've been reading a ton. I actually took a couple weeks for a mini break because I was reading non-stop. I read Sugar-Babe (a book/diary of an Australian lady who decides to get a sugar daddy so she can be a professional writer) and I'm working my way through the Pretty Little Liars series (because I'm 12, apparently). 

I finished a few other shorter series and a handful of random books I've always WANTED to start... so really, this is definitely the resolution I've been nailing.

"7. State Board is coming, and I'm going to rock it. You've been studying for days and frankly, you can't afford to fail it. "

I rocked it. I rocked it big time.

"8. Sometime this year, I'm going to save up and buy that ipad I want. You've always been pretty shitty about saving money for things and you usually end up blowing it on the Naked palettes and sushi, but you can do this. You've already got $400, you're literally over halfway there for the fancy one you like. Your birthday is coming up, and you're selling some furniture. You are literally on 3rd base waiting to run home. How bad-ass are you going to feel buying yourself something awesome? Because you're a fucking professional and you need it for work."

WELL, after my dog breaking one of the windows and a couple other small disasters, my savings has run short. I'm still trying to put money away for an ipad, but honestly I think I might just have to put it to the side for now. Life is just too expensive at the moment. (PLUS THE MORTGAGE, SHEESH.)

"9. I'm going to grow out my hair again. The short hair was a fun ride, but lets face it- you love sassy ponytails and princess buns. Stop trying to cut it- just let Stephanie fix it as it grows out. She'll get you there, just stop being dumb and let it grow. By the way, stop forgetting to buy biotin. "

I DID buy Biotin, and my hair IS growing out- slowly but surely. I've been attempting to keep it healthy, but you know how that goes...

"10. Go back to doing things that you loved. You used to love waterskiing and volunteering at the animal shelter. You officially have all the time in the world and no more excuses to use. Just do it, you'll be happier in the long run."

The funny thing is I haven't done any of the things I listed above recently, but I did pick up new hobbies. I'm back to making jewelry and writing for funsies, and it's really helped to keep me focused on keeping my life fun. I have a tendency to become a work-a-holic if given the option. 

So what is that? 8/10? That's not even really that bad. In fact, it's pretty good considering it's only been 4 months since I made that list?

*pat on the back*

Nailed it.



  1. You should do a post about easy summer hair-dos for when it's 150 degress out!! I'm lacking imagination when it comes to my hair these days!

    1. You have inspired me! Check back soon- I'm starting a summer time series
