Monday, February 10, 2014

Advice from a Blogger

Advice from a Blogger

So I've been blogging for a little while now and I thought I would just weigh in a little on the subject.

Now I know I'm on the newer side and this hasn't exactly hit the big times yet (hopefully soon, post to come on that too), but I will tell you what- I've learned some things.

Don't go into this thinking you're going to be rich, famous, or successful.

-Because odds are, you won't be. 

I didn't go into this thinking I would get popular. In fact, I went into blogging because I love trying out products and I love telling people about them. Eventually people I really knew and respected were saying things like, "How do you even know that? Are you researching? I've never heard of that!"

And I was like, "If you don't know what this is, DOES ANYONE?"

And then I started writing. To be fair a lot of what I want to do is still being held up either by my lack of real cameras, or lack of editing skills (and programs)- or frankly the lack of my own computer. (Roger and I are sharing and it's tedious to say the least).

So my advice: Start writing because you have a voice and something to say, not because you think you can eventually get famous. Even bloggers and youtubers aren't "famous", they're just known well in a community.

Be consistent.

-Because people will eventually read your blog, and they want to see new content.

You don't have to keep a rigorous posting schedule, but that's what a lot of people do and they have success. 

At this point in my life, I'm doing a lot of stuff, and posting on certain days is hard for me. Eventually though it'll fall into a 3-4 times a week category. 

Try a lot of stuff.

It doesn't matter if you're into beauty or travel, or whatever. Trying things is what makes you and your writing interesting. I've done makeup training, eyelash extensions, about a million mascaras, foundations, clothing lines, ordering online,and tried a million different hair colors and products.

What makes me interesting is the fact that I've tried so many different things, and my strength is being able to compare them so I can tell you what's important.

So try stuff.

And then talk about it, and talk a lot.

Blogging isn't the end all be all.

-because it isn't and it especially won't be for me.

In the course of my short blogging career I managed to get my cosmo license, my hunters safety license, I got a job at a salon, I'm working full time, I travel quite a bit, I ride horses for fun, I make and sell jewelry, and eventually I will probably start doing stuff like cowboy mounted shooting and sky diving.

Don't let your life be defined by your job. You're a blogger and that's just something you do.

This day was stressful and crazy.

This one was easy and fun.

Blogging is not glamorous.

Does this look glam to you?

Blogging is mostly trying out new products.

And it's disgusting and fun.

But, your skin will begin to go crazy and you will probably have some acne flare-ups. SORRY, I'M JUST TRYING TO WARN YOU.

Your drawers will begin to overflow to the point where you actually start buying furniture to accommodate the makeup habit you are supporting.

Your mom will start saying things when you buy makeup like, "Is this for work or for you?" And you genuinely won't know the answer.

Your boyfriend will move into the guest bathroom because there is no room for his stuff.

But a lot of blogging is trying to come up with ideas and then sitting down to actually form opinions on stuff- and it's difficult! You eventually hit a wall where you can't really form words and then you end up slipping for about a week before someone says, "You blogging anymore?" and then you start sorting your shit out again.

Vicious cycle man.

I hate to say it but if you want to blog about makeup, you're going to end up spending a lot of money on makeup.

I was lucky enough that I had some stuff to write about for awhile, but now it's getting to the point where I'm hitting the end of my stash and I've been restocking my loot. 

And let me ruin your world right now- You really can't make a blog career out of blogging only about drugstore stuff.

You can't.

I don't care what you say.

You can HAVE a lot of drugstore stuff but eventually you run out of stuff because the things at the drugstore worth talking about only go so far. Eventually you will have to start bumping up to the department stores.

And let me crush your dreams right now:

Say goodbye to your birthday and Christmas gifts because at this department store level of buying, you're going to be asking your relatives for the newest latest and greatest palettes. You will blow your holiday gifts on getting makeup for reviewing so you don't end up wasting your own money.

And it is a tough blow.

Don't be held back because you think you have nothing to say.

Odds are, it's not true- but you are probably focusing on a subject that isn't right for you.

What do you know the most about?
What things have you tried?
What do you get excited about when you're talking to your friends?

For me it's makeup and just generally stuff I'm doing. The most popular things I do are my "You Too Can Do's" and my "Day in the Life" posts. They're silly and fun but my friends loved it and it gained some popularity while I was in school.

I know a few people who want to blog and end up pigeon holing themselves. Just because you're a hairstylist doesn't mean you have to only talk about hair, and just because you're fashionable doesn't mean you need to only talk about clothes.

And don't ever be held back because you think you have nothing to say. Sometimes sitting down to write about a product starts slow and you end up gaining a lot of momentum. My posts half the time start with me not knowing what to say.

But here's what I ask myself when I'm writing (especially reviews):

Did I like this?
Would I recommend this to my friends?
Would I really recommend it for someone who isn't like me- oily skin, darker tones, etc?
Is it worth the price tag?
Do I have anything similar to this? And how does it compare?
Does it live up to the hype?
Does it live up to the descriptions written by the company?

Usually once you answer those, the review is ok and then it's up to you to really push it over the line. That's what makes some blogs stronger than others.

And don't be afraid of your voice- otherwise you'll never post anything. 

I'm notoriously rough around the edges, my jokes are corny, and my passion is literally makeup. And I am a makeup nerd. I get legitimately excited talking about new products from small makeup companies no one has heard about.

I'm very proud of those facts about myself.

And if you want my personal advice- this is how I write.

1) Write the post, don't stop til it's completely done.
2) Re-read it ONLY ONCE and only change something like spelling or grammar. DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING. Leave it all there.
3) Post.
4) Re-read it again after a week and if you don't like it after then- delete it. 

(I should not I've never deleted a post).

The more you edit a post and tinker around with it, the less genuine it becomes and at that point you might as well be a tv show- it's so scripted.

One of my friends gave me some good advice that I think is pretty great when it comes to blogs.

If you google something, you should write about it. Chances are, if you're looking for something- someone else is too. 

Why else would my RCMA foundation post get almost 700 views?

(Btw that is my favorite blog post that I've done so far and it shows. I was very passionate about sharing my discovery and readers really enjoyed it, I think.)


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