Haul-o-Rama: Napa, Ulta, and More!
Originally I was thinking about doing this in a video but I just could never get it together long enough to make a video like that. Most people have cameras and editing programs while I have my iphone and an app that you can sort of edit on but not really.
Also, my dogs kept barking about 3 minutes in. They are terrible when it comes to me making videos.
So I thought, lets make this a lot easier and do it in pictures.
For as much jewelry as I make, I periodically buy some too. There's just certain things I can't do.
Both of these are from Forever21! They're doing all these cool Indian/Moroccan themes and I am really into it. I'm surprised I didn't buy way more stuff.
As you probably remember from previous posts, I bought the MAC fluidline in Dark Envy and the Studio Sculpt Concealer in NC15 while at a Cosmetic Company Outlet in Napa.
Then I got that weird CK mascara that I also talked about in a previous review. Ulta is giving these out if you're a member and your birthday is in February.
I really, really like this.
Then I went crazy at Walgreens... So I bought another Jordana 12 HR Made to Last Liquid Eyeliner pencil in kind of a dark purple shade, and a Rimmel Lasting Finish lip pencil. I was attempting to find something I could wear under my beloved Dior Prune Daisy lippy, and also a few others in my collection.
It's not a dupe for Dior, but the reddish undertone will work for a lot of my stuff.
I'd also heard a ton about these new cream blushes and I've been using this one for a little while now. It is awesome. It is so awesome. It's not like a sticky cream blush, it's very creamy and has a gel consistency that blends so smoothly and easily. Sometimes to amp it up, I'll layer a powder over the top, but by itself it's that perfect Victorian rose color. I think the shade is "Make a Mauve".

So pretty.
Then I was like, I really want some neon-ness in my life, and Ulta was doing a buy 1 get 1 type sale.
These are horrifically neon and I am very excited about it.
I did kind of a messy swatch so you could see the colors.
The coral shade is: Sun of a Peach (which made me laugh real hard in the store)
The yellow shade is: Sun Kissed
I also bought a lime green from Essie too called "The more the merrier" (I THINK, I FORGOT) and I like it way more in terms of having a lime green, but I love neon colored pedicures. I JUST DO, OK?
I also (finally) bought myself the Satin Smooth wax kit. I have been wanting this for a long time, but I always put it off because no one was really asking for waxes, but after awhile it was constantly, "Do you have a wax pot? I need my brows done!". I figured, if that many people were asking, I'll get it. Plus I think I might be the only person in my town who offers bikini and brazilian waxing, so- hopefully a couple of those and this baby will be paid off.
Oh man, Napa outlets are no joke, and neither are the malls. I found some crazy ridiculous deals.
I never took a picture of it on the hanger, but this is basically a cream version of the grey and olive sweaters I've bought recently at H&M, except I found this on the sale rack for $10. It's a little smaller than the other larges I have, but I actually don't really mind that because the olive and the grey are both slightly too big.
...Kinda wish I would have bought the red too, but I didn't think I could pull it off.
(Outfit info:
Leggings- Black House White Market
Long tank- H&M
Sweater- H&M
Converse- I don't even know. Macys?)
Then I got this cardigan from Forever 21, and it's super long, don't let the hanger photo fool you. It totally goes almost to the backs of my knees and I kind of like that. It's so thin and nice. I kinda think it would be perfect paired with pink skinnies, but I do not have that. MAYBE ONE DAY.
(Outfit info:
I found both of these guys at the Lucky Brand outlet store and they fit so great and they actually look really great together. I haven't worn the jacket yet because the weather suddenly dropped like crazy and I'm back to wearing my parka for a little while and I was waiting on the top because I didn't have a navy blue undershirt for it. I mean, look at that thing, it is so sheer. I can't even remotely get away with that unless I have a tank under it.
The forever 21 had way more spring/cool stuff than the one close to me for some reason. So I got a graphic tee that has some BS life quote on it, but honestly I just like these for layering. They're so blousey and comfy and they always look good over shorts.
That cardigan is so fun. It has a hood and fringe at the bottom, because I like looking like a ragamuffin extra on the set of Les Mis or something.
Ann Taylor man. My mom goes in there all the time and I rarely find stuff, but when I do, I really like it.
This is super adorable over jeans and with the flats I bought (pictured down further). It's really cute. The pattern reminds me of a couch from the 80's, but I don't caaaaaare.
Funny story.
I love Carly Aquilino from Girl Code and I actually really like her style. Anyway, she wears a jacket like this and it's starting to sort of pop up in tv shows too, and I could not stop obsessing about it. Anyway, American Eagle's outlet had it and I was so excited. I sent a picture of it to Roger and even he was like, "Oh, did you finally find that jacket?"
Yes I did.
Here are the flats I mentioned before. They are from the JCrew outlet so I don't know if they're in the original stores, but who knows.
I just really needed nude flats, but I loved that these were sort of more towards the peachy side.
I have these in a few other colors and they always serve me well.
So I don't know what happened lately but my skin decided it was not having it. I broke out so badly it was starting to really take over. So I stopped pretty much everything in my routine and switched over.
Not pictured is Weleda's "Skin Food" which is a cream product for dry spots.
Basically I started taking Biotin because I wanted some strength in my hair and nails (which lately have taken a beating) and then I wash my face with the Desert Essence Gentle Nourishing cleanser (which by the way smells horrific, but it works sooooo well), apply diluted Tea Tree Oil to acne areas, apply Skin Food to dry areas (like my whole face basically) and then lastly apply the Desert Essence moisturizer. (All the Desert Essence stuff is for dry skin)
That Skin Food product is no joke. I wish I would have just bought the big bottle because it is so great. My dry flaky skin cleared up overnight, it's amazing. And the Tea tree is doing something great because my acne has died down A LOT. This combo of stuff for anyone with dry but acne prone skin is tops. And it doesn't agitate my sensitive skin.
It's been working wonders. My only gripe is that the cleanser smells a bit like rotten oranges (which is strange because the moisturizer doesn't smell like that so I don't know what is happening, but it's working and I ain't complaining.)
And then I blew some money on my hair. Stephanie added "roots" for me so that I wouldn't have to keep retouching them all the time and then she was like, "We need rose gold".
And I was like, "Yes, I agree."
Unfortunately my hair gave me a big middle finger and even though we only did it towards the ends, I ended up with half of it rose gold. The back of my head pretty much didn't take at all- sooooo we gotta do another round of it this week but I'm so in love with it. It looks so cool where it did take, I can't wait for it to be stronger.
All in all, there was a lot of shopping in the last couple weeks, but that just means there's a lot of reviews to come!